Gerald A. Bowman, LCSW, ACSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker residing in Munich, Germany since 1987. He is licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State of Utah, and the Republic of Ireland, and is recognized as a Diplom-Sozialpädagoge in the Republic of Germany.
He is a Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT). In addition to his private practice with US Citizens abroad, he also works as a Social Worker with a German Social Service organization. |
Primary services
Additional services
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Adoption Consultant
Commonwealth of Virginia LCSW #0904000968
State of Utah LCSW #67324573501 - Clinical Member, American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists
- National Qualified Social Worker, Republic of Ireland #ND/20/160902
- Diplom-Sozialpädagoge, Republic of Germany
Are you Hague approved?
I work with Wasatch International Adoptions (WIAA), a Hague-approved adoption agency. My relationship with WIAA allows me to work both with WIAA clients as well as non-WIAA clients. I have worked with couples and singles, and a variety of public and private agencies. All of my home studies are guaranteed to meet USCIS requirements and US State regulations. There are some different requirements for a home study for an adoption from a Hague country as opposed to a non-Hague country. We will discuss this prior to making any arrangements.
How can we confirm your credentials and experience?
I am more than happy to provide licensing or educational information (CV, copies of licenses, etc.) or references from other families and agencies that I have worked with. I have been successfully working with US citizens abroad since 1989 — among others, this includes US government, military, and diplomatic personnel; international teachers; missionaries; and persons or couples temporarily residing abroad.